Celebrating our 20th year of Music Lessons and Theater Camps in Chicago. Thank you for 2 decades
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Musical Chairs Studio is excited to offer after school enrichment programming with Queen of Angels School. Musical Chairs instructors coordinate seamlessly so children can have their music lessons and classes while still at school.
Registration is open for Spring and 4th Quarter Group Enrichment Classes
Visit our Summer Programs tab for Camps and Special Program Info.
Limited spots are available for Private Lessons at QofA
Additional spots available at our nearby studios
Registration for 4th Quarter Session closes on March 14th
Private Lessons at Queen of Angels in Piano, Voice, Violin, and Guitar. Additional instruments available in our nearby studios.
Private Lessons at Queen of Angels in Piano, Voice, Violin, and Guitar. Additional instruments available in our nearby studios.
Musical Chairs Studio
2124 W. Lawrence Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60625
Copyright © 2022 Musical Chairs Studio
All Rights Reserved.